Weaving New England-style FootStools
I wove my first New England-style FootStool when I was ten years old. My father worked at the American Optical Company, a factory in Southbridge MA. Every year at Christmas the AO would host a Children’s Christmas party at the Strand Theater on Elm St.
At the end of the party, they would give out gifts as we left the theater.
That year I received a Footstool Kit. I don’t know how I received something so appropriate– nevermind, age appropriate. They must have had us go to a line based on our age.
But anyway, I remember opening the kit box in the car. Mine included fiber rush.
When I got home, honestly, I swear I did it all by myself. I liked to make stuff and I was fascinated by this woven project.
I know that I didn’t tack the beginning on the frame. It must have directed something like “tie the end of the fiber rush on the frame”. All I know is that I loved it, and all I could do is stare at what I had created when it was done.
Isn’t the joy of creating something from scratch terrific? I guess that’s how I ended up as an Art teacher and the owner of a basket weaving supplies business. All these fun, tactile supplies!
Weaving New England-style FootStools
New England style footstool kit