Cost for Chair Caning
Cost for Chair Caning
The cost for Chair Caning- that is, “hand caning” chairs that have holes around the perimeter of the frame- seems to be experiencing some regional price raises. I just posted re: the cost of all types of seat weaving a couple months ago. Today I did an online search to see how the costs were holding up USA-wide. I found a wide variation in costs.
Not surprisingly, areas that have a lot of antique chairs in their homes also get the highest price per hole for chair caning. $3 per hole. We have had $1.35 per hole as a guideline on our site for years, and some places still charge that price as the norm. However, we’ve decided it’s time that we raise the price to $1.80 so that our seat weaving customers will not sell themselves short. Chair caning takes a long time.
The cost for chair caning a chair in blind caning is another level of cost. You can either charge double what you charge for regular hand caning, or add $1 per hole. It is definitely twice the work.
Blind caning is caning that’s done on a chair without going through to the other side. This is usually on the back of a fancy chair. The holes are drilled shallow. Each strand of cane must be measured precisely for fit, then glued in place with a plastic peg so that the peg doesn’t set in the glue. Each layer of the weaving requiring thorough drying in between.
Blind caning is also called Continental or French caning.